Monday, February 13, 2012

The Liteny of Ra

The Litany of Ra
The 75 Praises of Ra
{The texts are found on the north of the royal tomb, at THEBES (ed. NAVlLLE).}
1.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, lord of the hidden Circles, producer of beings with forms. Thou reposest in secret habitation and performest thy creative works as the god TAMT.
2.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power, Creator, Thou spreadest out thy wings, thou restest in the TUAT (i.e. Other World or Underworld), thou givest form to the things which come forth from thy divine members.
3.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, TA-TENEN, the begetter of the gods {of his Company]. Thou guardest what is in them, thou performest thy acts of creation as Governor of thy Circle.
4.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, who lookest on the earth and brightenest AMENTET (the West, the Underworld). Thou art he whose attributes are his own creations; thou performest thy acts of creation in thy Great Disk.
5.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou Word-soul who resteth on his high place. Thou strengthenest thy hidden AAKHIU, and they have their forms from thee.
6.Praise be unto thee, 0 R.A. exalted Power, mighty one, bold of face, who dost knit together thine own body. Thou dost gather together the gods of thy company when thou goest into thy Hidden Circle.
7.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou callest to thine Eye, thou speakest to thy head, thou givest breath to the souls in their places; they receive it and have their forms in him (Le. thee).
8.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the destroyer of thine enemies; thou dost decree destruction for the dead
9.Praise be unto thee,O RA, exalted Power. Thou sendest light, unto thy Circle, thou makest darkness to be in thy Circle, and coverest those who are therein [therewith].
10.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the iIIuminer of bodies in the horizon; thou enterest thy Circle.
11.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, supporter of the Circles of AMENTET; thou art the body of the god TEMU
12.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the hidden supporter of ANPU; thou art the body of KHEPRJ
13.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, whose existence is longer than that of her whose forms are hidden. Truly thou art the bodies of SHU.
14.Praise be unto thee, 0 R.A. exalted Power, the leader of RA to his members. Truly thou an the bodies of TEFNUT
15.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, who dost make abundant the things of RA in their seasons; truly thou art GEBS
16.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou mighty one, who keepest count of the things which are in him (i.e. thee). Truly thou an the bodies of NUT
17.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou lord who advances! truly thou art Isis.
18.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA , exalted Power, whose head shineth more than what is in front of him ; truly thou art the bodies of NEPHTHYS
19.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power, who art united in thy members, One, who collectest all seed; truly thou art the bodies of HORUS.
20.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou shining one, who dost send forth light upon the waters of heaven. Truly thou art the bodies of NU (NUNU)
21.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the avenger of NU, who comest forth from what is in him. Truly thou art the bodies of the god REMI
22.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou art the two Uraei (Cobras) who bear their two feathers (on their heads). Truly thou art the bodies of the Two HUAITI gods
23.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou goest in and earnest out, thou comest out and goest in to thy hidden Circle. Truly thou art the bodies of AATU.
24.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the Soul who departeth at his appointed time. Truly thou art the bodies of NETHERT .
25.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, who standeth up, the Soul One, who avengeth his children. Truly thou art the bodies of NETUTI.
26.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou raisest thy head, and makest thy brow strong, thou Ram, strengthener of creatures.
27.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou light of SHU, prince of AGERT; Truly thou art the bodies of AMENT
28.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, the Soul that seem, the governor of AMENT. Truly thou art the bodies of the Double
29.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou art the Soul that mourneth and the god that weepeth. Truly thou art the bodies of AAKEBI.
30.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou makest thy band to pass, and praisest thine Eye. Truly thou art the bodies of the god whose limbs are hidden
31.Praise be unto thee, a RA, exalted Power. Thou art the Exalted Soul in SHETATl Truly thou art KHENTI
32.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, of manifold forms in the Holy House. Truly thou art the bodies of the god KHEPRER
33.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou placest thine enemies in their strong fetters. Truly thou art the bodies of MATI
34.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou gives light in the hidden place. Truly thou art the bodies of the god of generation
35.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, vivifier of bodies, making throats to inhale breath. Truly thou art the bodies of TEBATI
36.Praise be unto thee, a RA, exalted Power, assembler of bodies in the TUAT, and they acquire living forms. Thou destroyest foul humours. Truly thou art the bodies of SERQI [the Scorpion god]
37.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Hidden-face SESHEM NETHERT. Truly thou art the bodies of SHAI
38.Praise be unto thee, a RA, exalted Power, lord of might, embracer of the TUAT. Truly thou art the bodies of SEKHEN-BA
39.Praise be unto thee, a RA, exalted Power, hiding thy body in what is in thee. Truly thou art the bodies of AMEN-KHAT
40.Praise be unto thee, a RA, exalted Power, stronger of heart than thy followers, sender of fire into the house of destruction. Truly thou art the bodies of REKHI
41.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou sendest forth destruction, and makest beings to live by thy creations in the TUAT. Truly thou art the bodies of TUATI
42.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, BUA-TEP, governor of his Eye, the sender forth of light into the hidden place. Truly thou art the bodies of SHEPI.
43.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, TEMT-HATU. stab-lisher of AMI-TA Truly thou art the bodies of TEMT-HATU
44.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, creator of hidden things, generator of bodies. Truly thou art the bodies of SESHT AI
45.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, providing those who are in the TUAT with their necessaries in the hidden Circles. Truly thou art the bodies of APER-TA
46.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thy limbs rejoice when they see thy body, o UASH-BA thou enterest thy body. Truly thou art the bodies of HAI
47.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou art the Aged One of the pupil of the UDJAT, BAI Thou makest full thy splendours and thou art indeed the bodies of THENTI
48.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou makest straight paths in the TUAT, and openest up roads in the hidden places. Truly thou art the bodies of MAA-UATA
49.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, thou Soul who advancest and hasteneth thy steps. Truly thou art the bodies of AKHPA
50.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou sendest out thy stars and lighteneth the darkness in the Circles of those whose forms are hidden. Truly thou art the bodies of HEDJIU
51.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, maker of the Circles, maker of creatures by thine own creative force. Thou, 0 RA, hast created things existent and things non-existent, the dead, the gods, and the spirits. Truly thou art the Body that created KHATIU
52.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power, hidden and secret god twofold. The Souls go where thou leadest, and thy followers thou makest to enter in. Truly thou art the bodies of AMENI
53.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power, UBEN-AN of AMENT. The light of the lock of hair on thee .... Truly thou art the bodies of UBEN.
54.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power, Aged One of forms who goest through the TUAT, to whom the Souls in their Circles ascribe praises. Truly thou art the bodies of THEN-ARU
55.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. When thou unitest thyself to the Beautiful AMENT the gods of the TUAT rejoice at the sight of thee. Truly thou art the bodies of AAI
56.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods, the judge of words [and deeds], President of the Assessors, and Governor of the Holy Circle. Truly thou art the bodies of the Great Cat
57.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. When thou fillest thine Eye, and speakest to the pupil thereof, the divine dead shed tears. Truly thou art the body of METU-­AAKHUT-F
58.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou art the Soul on high and thy bodies are hidden. Thou sendest forth light and seest thy hidden things. Truly thou art the bodies of HER-BA
59.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power, exalted of Soul, destroyer of thine enemies, sender of fire on the wicked. Truly thou art the bodies of QA-BA
60.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA, exalted Power. AUAlU, hider in purity. Thou art the master of the souls of the gods. Truly thou art the bodies of AUAIU
61.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Oldest One, Great One, governor of the TUAT , KHEPRI . Thou art the creator of the SEDJTI , whose bodies truly thou art.
62.Praise be unto thee. 0 RA. exalted Power, Mighty One of travels. Thou orderest thy goings by MAAT, Thou art the Soul that doest good to the body. Thou art SENK-HRA (i.e. STI-HRA, Face of Light). Truly thou art his body.
63.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power. Thou pro-tectest thy body, and holdest the balance among the gods on the hidden AMA and AM-TA. Truly thou art the bodies of AMA AMTA
64.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Lord of the fetters of thine enemies, One. Prince of the Baboons Truly thou art the bodies of ANTETU
65.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power. Thou sendest fire into thy furnaces, and cuttest off the heads of those who are to be destroyed truly thou art the bodies of KETUITI
66.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, god of generation, destroyer of thine offspring, One, stablisher of EGYPT by thy strength. Truly thou art the bodies of TA-THENEN
67.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Stablisher of the gods who watch the hours (URSHIU) on their standards, and are invisible and secret. Truly thou art the bodies of the URSHIU
68.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power, thou DJENTI of heaven, Gate of the TUAT, and BESl/and his spirit bodies Truly thou art the bodies of BESI
69.Praise be unto thee; 0 RA, exalted Power. Thou art the Apes the true creative Power of divine attributes Truly thou art the bodies of the Ape-god in the TUAT.
70.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, renewer of the earth, opener of the way for that which is therein, Soul giving names unto his limbs. Truly thou art the bodies of SMA-TA
71.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, NEHI, burning up thine enemies. SEDJTI In burner of fetters. Truly thou art.tbe bodies of NEHI
72.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, god of motion, god of Light, traveller bringing on darkness after the light. Truly thou an the bodies of SHEMTI
73.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA. exalted Power, lord of souls who art in the house of thine obelisk chief of the gods who are governors of their shrines. Truly thou art the bodies of NEB-BAlU, Lord of Souls.
74.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Sphinx-god, Obelisk-god, Raiser of his two Eyes. Truly thou art the bodies of HUAlTI.
75.Praise be unto thee, 0 RA, exalted Power, Lord of Light, Declarer of hidden things, Soul who boldest converse with the gods in their Circles. Truly thou art the bodies of NEB-SENKU (i.e. NEB-STI, Lord of Light)
(Translated by E A Wallis Budge and published in his "From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt")

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