Friday, February 17, 2012

The Sirius Mystery and Legacy of Akhenaten

One of the most controversial figures in African history is the Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). As the central figure in the Amarna Revolution, Akhenaten not only instituted a series of controversial religious reforms but embarked on massive public works programs as well. His construction programme included the erection of new temples to the north and two other important palace complexes to the north and south. In the first stage the simple shrines were replaced with stone sanctuaries bounded by enclosed walls but open to the sky in a manner similar to the Heliopolitan sun temples. It has been suggested that his two main temples were symbolic substitutes for the two main Re shrines at heliopolis and Karnak--those of Re-Horakhty and Amun-Re. The replacing of Amen with the Aten as the central religious figure meant reforming the state religion from a system of so-called "ancestor worship" but retained the worship of Amen as a lesser figure. In time this reform brought upon dissention and the mysterious end to Akhenaten's rule. My concern here is to what degree did the "Atenists" view the "Sun" as the Supreme Diety or was this belief system a recognition of the long-held belief that the "Sons of Re" originated from another solar system as is believed among the Dogon in their belief concerning the "Nommo". What I find particularly interesting is the fact that with the information obtained in the "discovery" of King Tutankhamen's tomb there has been an increasing trend among white "Egyptologists" to suggest that Akhenaten was of "hebrew" bloodline to the point of claiming he is the biblical Moses. This is most interesting because as I research this subject and examine much of the artwork of the period I have noticed that many of the STELAE depicting Akhenaten and family worshipping the Aten usually have 10 rays of the Aten beaming down on them...there is a significance to this number 10 which I believe is a "Hidden Wisdom"..

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