Sunday, February 12, 2012

Theology and Philosophy of Creation

What is Creation?
Who Created Creation?
What is the Purpose of Creation?
How does Yoga fit into Creation?
Book: African Religion vol 1: Anunian Theology, p31-33
Author: Dr. Muata Ashby

About the Book:
To know more on the subject of Egyptian creation, the Theology of the Ra-creation meaning, the symbolic meanings of the Neteru, the actions of the Neteru, Egyptian Ennead Quaballa and more. If you want an indepth study of each aspect of the religious structure of the Ancient Egyptian path please purchase this book. It is an extraordinary book where the writing is easy to follow and it will help you grow spiritually.

These questions have been asked time and time again over the course of history. Is there any answer? The Ancient Egyptian Sages thought so and they recorded their discoveries in the form of a Mystical philosophy (Shetaut) called Pauti. This volume focuses on the Ancient Egyptian philosophy of the Pauti and how it contains important mystical teachings about the nature of Creation, God and human existence.
There are several creation myths in Ancient Egypt. There are three major myth related to the Ancient Egyptian Trinity of Amun-Ra-Ptah in which Creation emanates from Neberdjer (Nebertcher) or the Absolute, Supreme Self, in the form of a Trinity. There are also myths related to Creation as having emanated from each individual member of the Trinity (Amun, Ra, Ptah).
There are also myths related to the gods Khepri and Asar (Osiris) and how he created the d by uttering their own name. The goddess has also been recognized as the source of Creation as well. These myths may appear to be contradictory but this understanding occurs n the deeper aspects of Ancient Egyptian Mysticism are not well understood.
Yoga is the study and practice of wisdom and spiritual disciplines which will allow a human being to discover the source of all existence and to attain the highest level of self-discovery which leads to inner peace, contentment and unobstructed joy.
Yoga is the practice of mental, physical and spiritual disciplines which lead to self-control self-discovery by purifying the mind, body and spirit, so as to discover the deeper spiritual essence which lies within every human being and object in the universe. In essence, the goal of yoga practice is to unite or yoke one's individual consciousness with universal or cosmic consciousness. Therefore, Ancient Egyptian religious practice, especially in terms of the rituals and other practices of the Ancient Egyptian temple system known as Shetaut Neter (the way of the hidden Supreme Being), may be termed as a yoga system: Egyptian Yoga. In this sense, religion, in its purest form, is a yoga system, as it seeks to reunite people with their true and original source.
The disciplines of Yoga fall under five major categories. These are: Yoga of Wisdom, Yoga of Devotional Love, Yoga of Meditation, Tantric Yoga and Yoga of Selfless Action. Within these categories there are subsidiary forms which are part of the main disciplines. The emphasis in the Ositian Myth is on the Yoga of Wisdom, Yoga of Devotional Love and Yoga of Selfless Action. The important point to remember is that all aspects of yoga can and should be used in an integral fashion to effect an efficient and harmonized spiritual movement in the practitioner. Therefore, while there may be an area of special emphasis, other elements are bound to become part of the yoga program as needed. For example, while a yogin may place emphasis on the Yoga of Wisdom, they may also practice Devotional Yoga and Meditation Yoga along with the wisdom studies.
So the practice of any discipline that leads to oneness with Supreme Consciousness can be called yoga. If you study, rationalize and reflect upon the teachings, you are practicing Yoga of Wisdom. If you meditate upon the teachings and your Higher Self, you are practicing Yoga of Meditation. If you practice rituals which identify you with your spiritual nature, you are practicing· Yoga of Ritual Identification (which is part of the Yoga of Wisdom and the Yoga of Devotional Love of the Divine). If you develop your physical nature and psychic energy centers, you are practicing Serpent Power (Kundalini or Uraeus) Yoga (which is part of Tantric Yoga). If you practice living according to the teachings of ethical behavior and selflessness, you are practicing Yoga of Action (Maat) in daily life. If you practice turning your attention towards the Divine by developing love for the Divine, then it is called Devotional Yoga or Yoga of Divine Love. The practitioner of yoga is called a yogin (male practitioner) or yogini (female practitioner), and one who has attained the culmination of yoga (union with the Divine) is called a yogi. In this manner, yoga has been developed into many disciplines which may be used in an integral fashion to achieve the same goal: Enlightenment. Therefore, the aspirant should learn about all of the paths of yoga and choose those elements which best suit his/her personality or practice them all in an integral, balanced way.
Enlightenment is the term used to describe the highest level of spiritual awakening. It means attaining such a level of spiritual awareness that one discovers the underlying unity of the entire universe as well as the fact that the source of all creation is the same source from which the innermost Self within every human heart arises.
All forms of spiritual practice are directed toward the goal of assisting every individual to discover the true essence of the universe both externally, in physical creation, and internally, within the human heart, as the very root of human consciousness. Thus, many terms are used to describe the attainment of the goal of spiritual knowledge and the eradication of spiritual ignorance. Some of these terms are:
Enlightenment, Resurrection, Salvation, The Kingdom of Heaven, Moksha or Liberation, Buddha Consciousness, One With The Tao, Selfrealization, to Know Thyself etc.
The term religion comes from the Latin "Relegare" which uses the word roots "RE", which means "BACK", and "LIGON", which means "to hold, to link, to bind." Therefore, the essence of true religion is that of linking back, specifically, linking its followers back to their original source and innermost essence. In this sense the terms "religion" and "yoga" are synonymous. This source which is the underlying reality behind every object in Creation is described as unborn, undying, eternal and immortal, and is known by an endless number of names, some of which are: Consciousness, Self, Higher Self, God, Goddess, Supreme Being, Divine Self, Eternal Self, Soul, Pure Consciousness, Brahman, All, Allah, Jehovah, Neter Neteru, Creator, Absolute, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Great Spirit. These various names, while arising from various traditions and separate cultures, in reality represent the same divine and transcendental principle.
So the study and understanding of Creation is an integral part of a person’s yogic movement towards spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, this volume will focus on the principles of understanding mystical philosophy. It will focus on the most important creation myth since all the creation myth of Ancient Egypt are related to the most ancient one. The Creation based on the Theology of the Ancient Egyptian city of Anu. Anunian Theology is based on the understanding that there is one Supreme Divinity from which all other deities, known as Pauti, and indeed nature itself arises.

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